Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

March 14, 2011


Republicans ran on Jobs, they’re going to cut jobs. They ran on border security, they are cutting border funds?

Republicans ran on ‘creating jobs’, but their plans are actually going to cut jobs. They also ran on securing our border because according to them “the Feds are not doing their job”….even though they’ve deported over 400,000 illegal’s since Obama took over… but now Republican’s spending cuts are going to cut funding to border security.

We are going to be jobless and unsecured…….so what’s next on their agenda?…
House Republicans Trim Border Security Budget, Despite Calls for More Resources…
GOP’s Cuts Would Cost 200,000 Jobs

Additional Details

@Go Go, Gov’t jobs or not! they are jobs that are held by Americans. What part of “Jobless Americans don’t you understand”?

3 days ago

Inca On Yahoo Answers

I could not have said it any better.

Might I add:

They are robbing the poor and disadvantaged of benefits that they need to survive so that if they ever had a chance at becoming self sufficient one day, they no longer will.

They are cutting programs that benefit the most vulnerable of our citizens; children and senior citizens.

They are toying with the idea of shutting the government down so that the gridlock that has existed for the past 2 years (that they created as the “Party of No”),can continue to escalate to near catastrophic levels.

They are waging war on woman’s rights.

They are attempting to make RAPE legal.

They are trying to take away a woman’s right to make decisions about her body and her womb-decisions that should be made between the woman, her GOD, her family, her clergyman and her doctor.

They are attempting to dictate and impose their lifestyles choices upon other people by intruding into their homes and their ways of life.

They are excusing all of the immoral acts that they commit or have committed as “Acts or Patriotism”. “I screwed around while married to one woman and  deserted the other one when she became ill, and married one of the woman that I screwed around with “But I did it all because I love my country”.

However, they are not so quick or so willing to give other human beings the same consideration and forgiveness that they seek.

They are continuing their insult on Black People,( including and especially the world’s most famous black person), President Obama.

They are trying to eliminate the Middle Class by creating a society where there are only 2 classes of citizens in this country:-Rich People and Corporations, and the Slaves that they own.

They are launching personal attacks against people of the Islamic Faith, while ignoring the fact that we have had Domestic Terrorist Attacks carried out by people of all races, creeds, colors and faiths, which have not resulted in the same types of hearings that Rep. Peter King has launched against Muslims

They are trying to take away the  Freedom from all of the people in this country who are not Rich or Powerful.

They are trying to eliminate unions that support the struggles of Average Working Americans which would eliminate the last line of defense between the American People and the “Powers That Be”.

They are trying to take away the right of young people who are in college to vote, because young people for the most part “Vote Liberal or Progressive”.

In addition, the attempts at “Union Busting that they are presenting to the American People as a “Means to Control the Deficit”, are really designed to take away the funds that will support the Democratic Vote in the 2012 Elections, so that they can steal the election with money that they are receiving from Exxon, BP, Shell and other major oil companies, the Koch Brothers and a multitude of millionaires and billionaires  foreign and domestic who pay these politicians to do their dirty work for them.

They are trying to repeal Healthcare which all Economic Experts agree will reverse all of the Economic Advances that we have made over the past 2 years and return us to the Pre Depression Conditions that were created by Republicans in the first place.

They are still intent on making President Obama a “One Term President”, even if this means the destruction of the entire nation, including the poor and uneducated White Folks who they have and continue to fool into believing that they are on their sides.

They continue to use these people’s fears against them by utilizing the fact that the current President of the United States of America looks different from all other Presidents that came before him.

And they are committing  all of these selfish, greedy, hateful, heinous, evil acts  at the demands of and for the benefit of Rich and Powerful People and Corrupt Corporations. In return for the monetary compensation that they receive from them.

As a result:

They want to increase the taxes of those who can afford it the least.

They want to decrease the taxes for those who gain the most in this country and who want to give the least back to it.

They continue to refer to “The American People” as only people who are like or similar in income, appearance, philosophy and faith as they are.

They continue to lie about everything that they intend or are trying to do, as opposed to actually putting forward the necessary thought, energy and creativity required to actually solve our nation’s problems.

They are still Hateful.

They are still Racist, which is why they will do anything to destroy the First Black Skinned President no matter what the consequences are to this country.

They still want to cut spending on Education, so that the youth of today, who are our tomorrow, will be ill prepared for solving the complex problems that we as a society face.

The still want to cut Medicare.

The still want to cut Social Security.

They still want to cut everything that they can find an excuse to cut.

With one very obvious exception-They refuse to touch the budgets of any of the people who would not even notice that there was a reduction in their budgets, that being, their Very Rich and Very Powerful Friends in the Oil Industry, the Banking Industry, On Wall Street, the Healthcare Industry, the Dialysis Industry, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and others.

And they continue to get away with this National Fraud because there are far too many Hateful and Fearful people who are ready willing and able to accept the lie that if a “Black Man” is in the “White House”, then he must be more incompetent, more untrustworthy, more dishonest, more hateful, more dangerous, more selfish and more evil then all of the “White Men” who became president over the past 200+years before him.

And this is what they will continue to do; not because they love you people, not because they love American Principals, values, Morals, History or the Constitution, and certainly not because they love America and ALL Its People. But, because these are mean, evil, selfish, greedy, treasonous people who would sell out anyone who they do not personally value for their own benefit.

And unfortunately, the majority of the people who they play this game on, have no motivation or desire to change.

And for all of you who fit this description who voted for Republicans in the last election because you were fooled, you are getting just what you deserve, and there is plenty more of this where that came from.

And for all of you who voted for the Republicans by default by not participating in the last election at all, you too are beginning to see the consequences of your failure to act.

This puts the pressure and responsibility for saving this country on all of the people who are not easily deceived or thrust into fear by these systematic attacks on the senses of the American People.

So arm yourself with knowledge and energize yourself now for 2012 to step up and do something to prevent these bastards from winning, which will result in disastrous consequences for all except the  top 5% of the richest and most powerful people in this country.

That leaves 95% of the American People, (including those who are so full of hatred, prejudice and racism that they are easily mislead by people who pretend to be their friends), to face the perils of living in a country that becomes a plutocracy.

GOD Bless America and ALL Its People.

Don’t wait until 2012 to participate in the 2012 Elections. The enemy has been preparing since November 3, 2008.

One Nation March

October 1, 2010

Keep The Power With The People-Not With
Corporate America. Vote Democratic. November 2, 2010.

Keep The Power With The People-Not With Coporate America. Vote Democratic. November 2, 2010.

One Nation March

September 29, 2010

The Real America, With Real Americans. Not Americans as Defined By Republicans.

If You Are Running For A National Office

September 26, 2010

If you are not intelligent or sophisticated enough to deal with the national media, then you are not intelligent or sophisticated enough to deal with the intricate and complex economic, social, political, scientific and national problems that we face as a nation. So, take your dumb ass back to the woods, wherever the hell you came from, and talk only to FOX News, so that the small group of uniformed social retards who buy the bullshit that they are peddling, can love, worship and adore you.

Fair & Unbalanced=Lies!

Many Within The GOP Have Racists Views

September 15, 2010

Many Within The GOP Have Racists Views

Former Florida Chairman, Jim Greer, the man who accused president Obama of utilizing Socialist Indoctrination when he spoke to school children last year, now states that; “Many within the GOP have racists views”.Noooooooooooooooooooo-Shit!

2 Prime Examples Of 2-Legged In-humane Animals Living Among Us

January 16, 2010

Oh The Hypocrisy Of These Old White Man In The Republican Party

July 14, 2009

 Jeff Sessions

It is not amazing.


It is not a great mystery.


It is absolutely nothing new.


It is simply a group of people who are terrified at the fact that people who were once viewed as and treated as sub human beings are now rising to positions in power, thus jeopardizing their privileges as white supremacist.


As a matter of fact, it is just the same old rotten meat, being rapped up in a different kind of paper, and sold by the racists in the Republican Party, who I watched hypocritically questioning the impartiality of Judge Sonia Sotomayor


These ignorant racist in suits, who have been privileged since this country first began, because of the fact that they have been playing the game of life with a deck of cards that have been stacked in their favor, are now questioning the impartiality of Judge Sotomayor, because of some, “biased”, let’s just stop dancing around the word, and just say it, “racist” statements that she had supposedly made in the past.


What she said is based on her personal observations and experiences, just like the statements and actions and rulings that have been made by the many white man who came before her.


And after a track record of unevenness, unfairness, and just plain racial, class, and sexual discrimination, these same old white man who have used their personal points of views, opinions, and prejudices to make decisions that made certain segments of society 2nd. & 3rd. class citizens in a country where everyone is supposed to have the benefit of equality on their side, are now crying foul because of statements and rulings that were made by Judge Sotomayor.


Isn’t it funny how the very same men who would deny so many men, woman, and children who are not like them the opportunity to be free and equal, are now pointing a racist finger at a woman who has been proven to be a moderate, and who has made decisions that have been consistent with those made by the mainstream judicial system in spite of her personal views.


It is important for all fair-minded people in America to know that these accusations are not based on facts, but are based on the same standards of  “as long as it benefits me and people like me, then anything goes”. However, if it does not benefit me, or those who are like me, then nothing goes”.


The questioning process is not at issue here; they are absolutely necessary for Sotomayor’s Confirmation Hearing.


This is a part of the process.


However, to the many of the Racist In Suits that make up the Republican Party, (and some in the Democratic Party as well), this is simply an attempt to continue to keep people of color out of positions of power, because of the fears that they (as old corrupt white man) have developed after years of hatred, institutionalized racism, and their many acts of injustices, both public and private that they have imposed upon people who they consider to be lesser human beings than themselves.


If personal opinions did not matter on the Supreme Court, then there would not be a need to have 9 judges on the bench.


They could save the taxpayers in this country a lot of money by just letting one judge make all of the decisions.


Why do they have 9 different judges?


It’s because every judge on the Supreme Court Bench has a different opinion, a different point of view, and a different method of deliberation.


And where do these differences come from?


They come from the fact that the judges of the Supreme Court are human, and their decisions are based on their backgrounds, their upbringings, their opinions, their fears, their prejudices, and everything else that is positive or negative about them as a result of being human.


Nine judges are required to balance all of those variables so that a legal decision can accurately be made based on the law as determined by consensus.


So to hear someone like Senator Jeff Sessions, who is known to have and acted upon his tendencies towards racism drilling Judge Sotomayor, and questioning her ability to make sound legal decision that are not based on personal opinions, prejudices or biases for one group over another is ludicrous.


Sessions and many of the other racists in suits who mirror him in the Republican Party, are not interested in truth or justice, they are just interested in maintaining the status quo that has benefited them for so long. And by accusing this woman of being what they are, which is racists, they hope to undermine the nomination of another person of color, because this is what they have done for so long, this is what they are doing now, and this is what they will continue to do, as long as we continue to allow them to.


I know that many of these racists do not want to admit it but, the times have changed, and the tides have changed.


And after over two hundred years of riding the waves of racism into positions of strength, power, and wealth, they are now desperately clinging on to the last vestige of white supremacy and white privilege.


They are not really concerned with activist judges, because as I said before, there have been nothing but activist judges on the Supreme Court since it’s formation in 1790, who have made decisions that, either did not benefit people of color or ignored the human injustices that have been inflicted upon people of color for centuries.


Now who in their right minds would believe that all of these acts, or failures to act for human justice in 209 years were not based on biases, prejudices, personal opinions, personal points of views, and these people’s backgrounds and upbringings?


Only a racist would deny that the Supreme Court has been a “Good Ole Boys Club” for hundreds of years before a Black Man, or a Woman, another Black Man (who is whiter then most white man), and now the first Female Latino Woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court.


If the law were truly not based on human emotions and judgments, then there would not be so many firsts at lasts in this damn country.


These first, would have come way before they did.


There was some bias in the law somewhere for all those years.


Cut the crap!


Judge Sotomayor will be the First Latino Judge to be appointed to the Supreme Court in its 209-year history.




Because in spite of the fact that she has human emotions, opinions biases, and other human elements in her character, just like the many white man have had for so long; she is definitely qualified for the position in every way that the white man have been.


And one more thing, I know that your greatest fear is that her love for her people may influence her to do some positive things for her people.


Well! Gentleman, you all have been doing things for your people since the country began, even to the detriment of all other people, so get the hell over it.


Welcome the First Latino, (Highly Qualified), Judge to the Supreme Court:


Justice Sonia Sotomayor.



Isn’t It Funny How Credentials Are Not Right Unless The Candidate Is White

May 29, 2009
We've Got Your Backs

We've Got Your Backs


Here we go again!


Logic has no place when people hate someone because of the way that GOD made them, instead of hating them for the negative bull-shit that they add to their characters after their creation.


We heard it all before, and it didn’t work then, and it is not going to work now.


But as I said at the beginning, there is no logic or reason possible with a person who hates for no other reason then the fact that someone is not like them.


We of course experienced this through the 2 years leading up to the evening of November 4th. 2008, when the nation shut the racist nay Sayers down by changing the face of power in this country in a way that this nation had never experienced in over 230 years.


Many of the people who said that it could not happen in America only wished that it could not happen because of the paralyzing fear that they felt inside as a result of the hate and contempt that they felt inside, which they feared would come back to bite them in the ass.


And the more hate they had inside, the more fear they had inside.


The more people that they had abused, cheated, assaulted, lied on, lied to, and dehumanized in their lifetime that looked like Democratic Presidential Nominee Obama, the more they feared the consequences of his successful election to the Whitehouse.


There were all kinds of lies and excuses coming from the mouth’s of these racist who were blinded by hate then, and are still blinded by hate now, and in all probability will be until the day that they die and enter into White Heaven.


Of course in a world where intellectual supremacy is fast becoming the perquisite for success as opposed to just the color of one’s skin, this nonsense is becoming less and less effective, and is only used by those of inferior intellects because they cannot adapt to the birth of a new nation; (not the Klan movie), or should I say the rebirth of a nation?


We can tell that the people who always oppose the lifting up of people who they are so accustomed to keeping down are of inferior intellect, because of the fact that they are totally out of touch with reality as evidenced by their inability to keep up with the present while looking forward to the future, and by their unwillingness to finally have to actually work at something to be successful. You can also tell by the shoddy workmanship of their faulty logic, artificial reasoning, and their paralyzing fear of revenge on the part of all of the kinds of people that they hate.


Unfortunately every time a person of color causes a shift in the paradigm of achievement in this nation, there will be those conservatives; (conservatives meaning: “Let’s Keep It All White”), who will come out of the woodwork and begin a program of lies, misstatements and twisted facts about the person or person’s of color who are being elevated to new levels that have not been obtained by that same type of person before.


It happens in all areas of endeavors including, education, sports, banking and finance, entrepreneurship, entertainment, science and many other areas that are important to our society as a whole. And most recently because of the fantastic achievements that people of color have made in politics, this is now a strong target area for these “People” to aim their bull-shit at.


The nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court is no different then what the man who nominated her faced before he actually obtained the power by election to do so.


The fact that she may become the first Hispanic Justice to the Supreme Court is scaring the shit out of many of thesee people who are afraid that she just may bring about some positive changes for the Hispanic Community, of which she is a member of.


You see, its okay for White Men to have power and authority to make things better for their people, which they have done throughout history to the detriment of anybody else, but now that they percieve that there is a chance that they may find themselves on the receiving end of such a propositon, it is now quite a problem.


So to all of the “liberals” who are paying close attention, and especially to those who are not, here are few pointers on decoding the bull-shit that the conservatives are putting out there in order to make the confirmation process of Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court more difficult then it would be for a white Protestant Male.



1.      “She is not qualified”. Of course this is a blatant lie. She is as qualified as President Obama is for the position for which he has chosen her for.

2.      “She is a bigot and a racist”. This is laughable considering the fact that the fat bag of wind that made this statement is the premiere racist, bigot and sexist idiot in America today and indeed the most recognized all over the world, Rush Limbaugh. He is the guidepost for every other conservative radio or TV personality that perpetrates verbal frauds on a daily basis. Fraud designed to reshape public opinion in order to fit their limited prejudicial view of this country and the world. Sought of an idiot’s idiot.

3.      “Her name is too hard to pronounce”. A person should not be in politics if they are not studious or verbally adept enough to learn and pronounce the names of people who are different from them. But then again, that is the problem isn’t it? She is different from them.

4.       “Her background will interfere with her ability to make sound judgments concerning important legal issues”. Hey! There have been a majority of White Protestant Males on the Supreme Court bench since it’s creation in 1790 whose background interfered with the decisions that they made. This is why The Emancipation Proclamation, (January 1, 1863), The Civil Rights Movement (1955-1965), The Woman’s Rights, Movement of the early 1900’s and other Human Rights actions had to be taken in order to counteract the decisions made by their backgrounds as White Protestant Males. So after all of those years, now conservatives are concerned with one woman’s background, because she is not a White Protestant Male? What exactly are the conservatives trying to conserve? Answer: An uneven playing field. After 200+years, the first African American Supreme Court Justice, (Thurgood Marshall) was appointed in 1967 by President Lyndon B. Johnson, followed by the second, African American Supreme Court Justice in 1999,Clarence Thomas who is still serving. Sound like progress towards living up to the sacred words in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights to you?

5.      “She is an activist Judge”. They are trying to implant in the minds of anyone who will listen, the implication that “Activist”, like “Liberal”, is a dirty word. All of the judges on the Supreme Court Bench are activist rather for a small group of selfish ass people who think the country consist of them only, or for all of the citizens of the United States of America, which is what the United States of America is supposed to be all about, even though we all know that for centuries, those were just words that had no meaning for many races and classes of people living here.


Are we saying confirm this woman without any type of analysis or investigation just because she is Hispanic?


No! -It’s an important decision that will have long lasting effects on the direction in which our nation will take in the future.


What we are saying is, don’t set back and allow this woman to be treated any differently then all of the White Male Protestants who came before her, The White Male Catholics who came before her, or The (2) African American Males who came before her.


And remember! Activists are good to have around when there’s work to be done. And after hundreds of years of just “White Rule”, there is truly much work to be done in order to make America live up to its creed of “Equal Opportunity For All”


Remember! Activist, like Community Organizers gets shit done.


So do not fall into these traps.


This country is a mixture of all kinds of people, which requires that the wealth, power, and authority must be shared by all of the people. Even South Africa has come to recognize this.


Is this ideal beyond America’s reach?


If it were up to these racist conservatives it would be.


Thank GOD this is not the case.




Republicans Stimulate The Economy Of The Tea Industry

April 16, 2009

At least They Helped Somebody

At least They Helped Somebody




Republicans and many of their poor disadvantaged base members finally did something to stimulate the economy.


Of course they did not stimulate all sectors of the economy like the new administration is in the process of doing, because that is far too much of a broader problem for a party to tackle that cannot even tackle the issue of what the hell they stand for and who the hell their leader is.


But I must give them credit for taking an active stand and finally contributing something positive to the economy that can be measured, and not something that just produces a very foul stench as a result of clinging to ideologies and policies that have and continue to fail the American People as opposed to changing things that do not work for the benefit of the American People.


For the most part, it appears that the welfare, (let me rephrase that since the word welfare stirs up such a negative connotation for them); that the safety, security and well being of the American People means less to these people then clinging to old warn out ineffective ideas.


The benefit of the country comes second only to seeing that they’re stinking thinking survives, and that the majority of the people in this country continues to suffer in order to make them, (such a small and insignificant number of selfish idiots), comfortable.


Yesterday April 15 2009, which is the dreadful last day to pay taxes to the government if they are owed money, was also a time for many of these conservatives who love this country so much, (so much), that they do not want to pay their fair share of taxes to it, to protest the increase in government spending which President Bush started for no definable long term positive purpose, which President Obama has further increased for a definable long term positive purpose.


It is also important to recognize that millions of Americans also received money from the government this tax season in refunds from the taxes that they have paid throughout the year.


But anyway, these people, (less than FOX News and the rest of the right wing media had anticipated), showed up to protest the actions taken by President Obama and the new administration.


Ideas which they have studied hard and long and determined to be actions that will benefit the economy in the long term; and in spite of the fact that many of these actions have already began to create improvements in our economy, these people, (many who had no idea what the hell they were out there for), did show up across the country to these so called “Tea Parties”.


I applaud all of you for finally making a positive contribution to the economy of the country.


As a result of what you did across the country yesterday, the tea industry saw a significant rise in sales over the last few weeks. Other than that, there was not much else that was accomplished by these so-called tea parties, which were sponsored by “Grassroots People”, from corporate news agencies such as FOX.


What you don’ t understand about Grassroots Movements is the fact that they start with and end with the people, and not with right wing corporate sponsorships. So your movement is not of the people, by the people or for the people and as a result, does not benefit the people.


However, what they did do is fool many of the people who actually benefit from the new policies of the new administration into believing that they are losing something that they do not have, wealth.


This is typical manipulation designed to get poor people to do the dirty work of and protect the wealth of the riches people in America.   


So I thank you, the shareholders thank you, and the employees of the all of the tea companies in America thank you, and we look forward to your next massive purchase of tea which will help to at least stimulate this industry. 


Now! How about we start working on something to benefit the other segments of the economy that are suffering.


We really need everyone’s help (including yours), to bring us out of the recession that we are currently in, and we will be waiting to hear from you and your leaders with

 New Ideas for improving these poor economic conditions in America.


Of course if we do not get this contribution from you, then we will not be disappointed, because doing something good for the entire country, (all of it’s people) is not your forte.


You all would rather bitch and moan and complain about the people who are trying to make the country better; wouldn’t you?




Need Cash Now?




UPS Cancels Sponsorship Of Bill O’Reilly

April 1, 2009



Hats off to the International Shipping Corporation Giant, UPS for not continuing to provide income to the very ignorant , very racist, and ultra conservative, (idiot without the desire, ability or intelligence to change even when it is for the purpose of preserving life, liberty and justice for all), Bill O’Reilly.



This is a victory for all of the people in this country who have decided that they actually want America to be the country that it’s precious documents say that it should be; not just one particular race of people, or just those who are rich and powerful, but for all American Citizens.


This decision came as a result of Bill O’Reilly’s insistence on continuing to use his Modern Day Nazi Squad to harass people who disagree with his idiotic points of view, which benefit only him and those who are like him who feel that no one else in this country has a right to breath God’s air.


Finally! There was so much public outrage because of the fact that O’Reilly, (a man who blames woman for the fact that they have been raped), was scheduled to speak at the “It Happened to Alexa Foundation” luncheon in Palm Springs Florida. This is just wrong, and a further example of the hypocrisy of people who have not evolved, and who have never considered working on themselves to become better human beings.


It makes no sense for this man to speak at a luncheon or any function being sponsored by  a rape victims advocacy group.



In addition to blaming rape victims on his program, he sent his Modern Day Nazi Squad out to harass Think Progress. Org’s Managing Editor, Amanda Terkel because of a story that they did on his insensitivity to rape victims.


She is one of many victims stalked and harassed by his Hit Squad.



What is so disturbing, (and the reason that we cannot let down our guard against racism, discrimination, injustice and inequality for all Americans), is the fact that there are enough of these people in this country to support people like Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Dick Morris, and a multitude of others.


The fact that these idiots have enough supporters to keep them in business is reason enough to keep fighting.


As I have said many times before, it was good to savor the victory of the November 4th. Election of President Obama, that is a great accomplishment, and a moment in history that African Americans should be proud of, because we were always taught by many of our elders that we would never live to see it. And it should be a source of pride to all Americans, because it shows just how far we as a country have progressed towards making all of the warm and fuzzy concepts of justice, freedom, and equality for all a reality.


And for African Americans, it should be frightening that we have a significant number of people from our race who do not identify with or care about the race that they are a part of by God’s Proclamation, people like: Juan Williams, Reverend, Jessie Lee Peterson, Larry Elder, Angela McGlowan, and Erick Rush.


These people are dangerous to the survival of the black race, as a matter of fact, all people who subscribe to these types of twisted extremist political viewpoints that people like these, (black or white do), are dangerous for what our country truly is, and what it truly represents.


So it is my great pleasure to thank UPS for recognizing that this country is not, nor will it become the bed of ignorance, hatred, and unearned privilege that many have tried to make it be throughout our history.


It is very refreshing and encouraging when a major corporation of the magnitude of UPS, not only focuses on making huge profits, but that they do it while also being socially responsible to their fellow man.


I and other  people who care about all people, applaud your decision to not participate in this type of hate slinging.


Hey FEDX!, and O’Reilly’s other major sponsors, where you at?



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